Get started with Bioclear and the Bioclear Method—a live, hands-on beginner course. Materials included.

Learn the basics of Bioclear and heated injection molding in a small, interactive in-person class. In today’s world of implants and computer assisted ceramics, direct composites can offer a compelling minimally invasive alternative that will meet patients’ needs and exceed their expectations. The Bioclear Method allows you to create predictable repeatable outcomes that look natural when using composite. Esthetic treatments including diastema closure, black triangle closure, Class II, III and IV composite restorations are just the start of what can be done with the increasingly popular Bioclear Method.

April 19th at 10:00 am, Spanish language 

Register now for the Webinar Injection Molding and the Bioclear™ Method for Composites.

Our speaker:
Dr. Elena Toledano

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